Created by “girlboss” Sophia Amoruso, Nasty Gal began as a humble eBay store selling vintage clothing. Since then, the brand has grown into an e-commerce giant that sells a broad range of genuine vintage and new, vintage-inspired pieces. This site is perfect for girls with a little bit of attitude who like to have a lot of fun, with an emphasis on girls who are confident to wear their own style. The vintage roots remain detectable amidst lineups that are mostly trendy and modern.
Come for the inexpensive price tags, stay for the trendy fashion. You can find pretty much anything here from floral puff sleeve tops to flirty party dresses to edgy graphic tees, so you can make this site a one-stop style shop. Nasty Gal has sales on the reg so you can score even better deals on all the trends you want to add to your closet. What's more, Nasty Gal has sales on the reg so you can score even *better* deals on all the trends you want to add to your closet.
If you have a hankering for some light reading or are looking for advice, fashion tips, or recommendations, The Nasty Galaxy blog features regular posts on all sorts of topics from lifestyle to studio visits, dance, and the odd fashion piece.